
Away from people. Away from the city. Away from the stereotype. Away from work. Away from noise. Away from crowded camps.
To nature. To solitude. To silence. To the countryside. Somewhere far away.

Revolution in travelling to nature.
With a caravan, under a tent or to log cabins and huts.

Discover the most beautiful places to spend time in nature. Experience what real camping is all about again.
We're looking for owners of magical places and connect them with adventurous souls longing for free travelling.

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Cabin in the wilderness - Emergency accommodation

Experience unbelievable romance in a wooden cabin, in the absolute wil...

Relaxation garden MIRI - Božkovice

Luxury well-kept garden in the village of Božkovice in the Benesov reg...

At the Sobáčov Pond

Guaranteed PARKING spaces with a maximum of 4 spaces (no parking in fi...

Erzgebirge Stellplatz

Stellplatz is located in the Ore Mountains above the town of Jáchymov,...


Our land is located near Český Krumlov, about 2 km from the centre of ...

Treehouse - Green OstOff

Green islandOFF - switch off and merge with nature. In the embrace of ...

Vystrkov Farm

Vystrkov Farm is an agricultural farm surrounded by mature tree planta...

Green OstOff

You're gonna shut it down. It's divine tranquility, but at the same ti...

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