Lower Moravia - Treehous Sneznik with wellness

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182.98 €

0 €

0 €
Sneznik tree house with cedar whirlpool and Finnish sauna
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
Minimum length of renting the property is 2 dny
Strict cancellation policy What does it mean?

Discounts when staying more days:

3 - 4 nights: 15%

toilet - Dry toilet(kadibudka)on the property
drinking water - Carafe and cans with drinking water.Mini bar with 25 kinds of drinks (beer, wine, sparkling wine, prosecco, juices, mineral water-all chilled in the fridge.
electricity - 220V sockets in the house and on the property.Lights,coffee maker,toaster and gas cooker.On departure is collected a fee for wood and energy 1000Kč/day of stay
shower / washroom - Shower in the woods with hot water, which you can heat yourself with a wood-fired boiler.There is also a Finnish sauna made of cedar wood and a whirlpool, which will be heated by the date of arrival (40C).
picnic table
swimming pool
campfire ring
the property is suitable for a winter stay
heating -
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - You can take a shower in the shower.You can wash the dishes in the large sink.You can heat the 400l hot water in the wood burning boiler.You can heat the sauna with the sauna stove also using wood burning stove.
Chemical toilet - The contents of the chemical toilet can be poured into the vat
The property is accessible even in winter / in the snow season
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

The road across the meadow is gravelled and in rainy weather it is easily passable.In winter it is maintained by a tractor with a plough.At the beginning of our driveway there is a barrier marked with our logo.You can easily open this barrier.You will park in the meadow 30 m from our house in a tree

Restriction of the access road

without restrictions


Several tens of km of forest and field paths in the vicinity of Kralický Sněžník

winter sports

12km of slopes, toboggan run, night skiing in the ski resort Dolní Morava-10min from us.

water sports

Water reservoir Pastviny - 20km

activities for kids

Mammoth water world, Stailman's underground tunnel, bicycle, scooter and quad bike rental


Ascent to Kralický Sněžník including the newly built lookout tower, Klepý lookout tower on the Czech-Polish state border, tour of the First Republic fortifications - Hůrka fortress, Bouda, infantry cabin KS5 U potoka and artillery observation post KS12 Utržený


Finská cedrová sauna a vířivka přímo u domečku.Sauna a vířivka je určena pouze pro Vás-saunování a koupání v lese v naprostém soukromí.

Other activities

Trail in the clouds including a 3km long mountain bobsled run(2 longest in Europe)


Arrival from: 12:00
Departure until: 10:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the Campu.eu reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

27.2 - 28.2.2023 Veronika říká:
It was an amazing experience and the destination is fantastic. In this environment you will immediately forget your problems and be enchanted by the beautiful nature. ❤
17.3 - 18.3.2023 Milan
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

Arrival - Departure

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