OFF-Grid cabin near Litomyšl #3576

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48.87 €

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0 €

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I offer our OFF Grid cabin under the spruce tree.

It's a basic facility with no net connection, so perfect for detox and being in nature - just no Hilton.

You'll find shelter, a wood burning stove for cooler nights if it's cold or for essential cooking a PB cooker and basic utensils. There is also ground coffee or tea available.

Outside you can enjoy both a larger campfire and a portable fire pit for a more romantic intimate gathering, perhaps in a deck chair. In case of rain, the terrace makes sure of that :)

Inside you will find a double bed and a smaller sofa bed. In total, you can fit a family of 4.
Thin blankets are available, but please bring bedding or sleeping bags with you, especially for the colder months.

There is also a supply of drinking water and a dry toilet next to the hut.
A local powerbank will provide the necessary phone charging, which can be recharged even in the unseasonable sun.

If by chance the space of the hut is not enough, a tent can be erected next to the hut or you can drive a caravan or motorhome to the property, but rather smaller (see access).

Please read the instructions on navigability. The driveway is really suitable for smaller caravans, motorhomes, vans and cars ;)
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 26 minutes.
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Suché WC na pozemku
drinking water - Drinking bottled water is available. Please always just let us know how much you have left, so we know if there is enough for the next guests.
electricity - Charging the phone or lighting will be provided by a solar power bank or additional batteries
shower / washroom - Solar shower available From spring 2023, a washing area on the terrace.
picnic table
campfire ring
the property is suitable for a winter stay
heating - Heating by wood stove, wood available
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - Gray water can be poured into the gully at the edge of the property.
Chemical toilet - Just like grey water.
The property is accessible even in winter / in the snow season
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

The access dirt road is easily passable by standard vehicle from spring to autumn. Leave your smaller car parked at the railway station Řídký and walk the last 500m. Same with snow for sure ;) In the rain it's up to your discretion, so far we haven't experienced it being so super wet, just the car might be in for a wash afterwards :)

Restriction of the access road

There is a railway embankment crossing on the route, which is not a problem even with a long van. Significantly larger caravans or motorhomes are asked to be careful not to be left hanging on the level crossing.


Spousta cyklotras v okolí zejména směr Proseč/Skuteč


2km to the neighbouring village of Tržek to the ponds. Rules according to the association.

water sports

Some ponds around Tržek are also for swimming. More visually interesting are the flooded quarries around Proseč


Toulcovy Maštale nebo ještě dál směr Vysočina :)

Other activities

města jako Litomyšl jsou co by kamenem dohodil a po kulturní stránce mají co nabídnout :-)


The lodge with land works as a "self-service" after confirming and paying for the reservation you will receive precise instructions for arrival, unlocking and the whole "check-in".

Departure is in the same spirit with photo or video documentation of the condition of the property on departure and return of the keys to the pre-arranged location ;)

Please include basic cleaning up after both yourself and your pets.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
21.9 - 22.9.2024 Veronika říká:
We only stayed overnight, but it's a magical place and perfect for dog walkers.
24.8 - 25.8.2024 Lenka říká:
The cottage was great, beautiful surroundings - we walked to a pub in Cerkekvic nad Loučnou - a very nice walk. One heart down only for the too soft mattress - it appears in more comments, I think a replacement is worth considering. Otherwise wonderful, thank you. :)
17.8 - 18.8.2024 Kateřina říká:
The cottage is in a nice location and thanks to the description of the owner we found it great, but after that we were not so enthusiastic. The area around the cottage is quite unkept, tall grass, lots of cobwebs, etc. We are not demanding, but for the money we would have liked something a little different. What really struck me was that Mr. Marek had asked us to purchase 2-4 packs of water in advance with the understanding that he would cover the cost. Of course we bought the waters, after an email with the receipt and a subsequent text message, we still don't have the money in our account and Mr Marek hasn't communicated with us. It was our last visit to this cottage..:(
10.8 - 11.8.2024 David říká:
Unfortunately, I cannot share the same enthusiasm as previous reviewers of this place. Probably the biggest problem was with the water. On arrival there was only water in the utility barrel at the bottom and no potable bottled water at all. I think the owner could have looked after this for the rental price. Unfortunately the place is not completely quiet either. The occasional passing train that honks at the nearby crossing and the noise from the nearby road spoil the peace quite a bit. The mattress of the bed is very soft, which bothered me personally. I definitely have to recommend arriving at the place during daylight hours, to allow time to see where what is and what the cottage facilities actually are. On a positive note, I would say that the cottage is very picturesque and romantic and has good facilities for sitting around a campfire. You also have relative privacy, although there is another cottage nearby. I also appreciate the power bank and solar panel to recharge. I would have expected more led lights though, since electricity is available. I liked the location near Litomyšl with the castle. If the cottage is always perfectly prepared for guests, I probably wouldn't mind paying the same for one night as in a cheap guesthouse next time.
Owner's reaction Děkuji za Vaše hodnocení i konstruktivní kritiku.
a) Ano, se zásobou vody nám to bohužel jednou nevyšlo, kdy horko a využití i balené vody na svlažení zapříčinilo její nedostatek. Bohužel jsme během dovolené nezvládli doplnit "ze dne na den". Dáme si na to pozor a zásobu ještě zvětšíme.
b) Houkající vlak projíždějící napříč loukou může být pro některé lákadlo (zejména děti), pro jiné hluk. Mrzí mě, že vás to rušilo.
c) Led světýlka ještě doplníme, bohužel i s powerbankou mají někteří problém technický, jiní hosté ji nechají vybitou apod. není to tedy také vždy 100%, ale doplníme.
2.8 - 3.8.2024 Klára říká:
The accommodation was cosy. It is more for smaller groups and for shorter stays. However, everything was fine and the owner gave plenty of information about the accommodation before the stay.
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>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

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