Asphalt road to the property. The ground of the plot is tight gravel. The road is maintained, the risk is only during periods of heavy snow cover.
5 metres
According to the seasonal rules.
Bathing biotope Nový Svět near Arnoltice
Small children's features within the grounds , playground.
Protected Landscape Area Labské Pískovce, NP Bohemian Switzerland
Dog on the premises on a leash. We ask for the respect of the dog owners and the safety of other visitors.Fires are only allowed in the garden area, on our fire pit. We request that the night time quiet is observed. The lookout is free to use, the presence of the public must be taken into account.
Místa pro parkování v blízkosti jedné z nejhezčích vyhlídek v Labských Pískovcích. Zpevněné stání, tady nezapadnete :-). Je nutno počítat s pohybem veřejnosti. Velká výhoda je, že stojíte "bez rizika". Tady vás nepřekvapí stráž parku, že stojíte tam kde nemáte.