The flat mown land, accessible from the asphalt road of class III, is located on the outskirts of the picturesque South Bohemian village of Malovice, about 8 km south of Vodnany, allowing you to park your caravan and rest before your next trip. There is a large pile of brushwood on the property to burn, from which you can remove a small amount of branches for a small fire. That is, if there is no fire ban due to the drought.
Pets are welcome, but the property is not fenced.
Approximately 200 m from the site is the Continuo Theatre, perhaps there will be a performance on the day of your stay.
There is a sewage outlet on the property it is possible to drain grey water and toilet. The site does not yet have a dry toilet, nor water supply, nor electricity (these connections will not be made until 2025), so it is really only suitable for equipped caravans, not cars.
Here you may ask the owner additional questions or request services above the regular offer (i.e. you would like to use more space than the capacity of the place). Caution - the question is not regarded as a reservation; to make a reservation, click on "Let's go". Note: Do not ask for availability. The selected dates are available, occupied dates cannot be selected in the calender. It is prohibited to disobey the rules of and pay in cash directly to the owner (in such cases, your user account may be blocked)
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