Discounts when staying more days:
5 - 9 nights: 10%
10 and more nights: 10%
The access is on a very well paved road, maintained all year round. The land is also suitable for cars with lower chassis
The narrowest point of passage is approximately 3 metres.
The area offers several cycling routes suitable for different levels of cyclists.
The Elbe Trail: This international cycle route runs along the Elbe River and passes near Stary Cologne.It is part of the European EuroVelo 4 route and offers scenic views of the surrounding countryside.
The route leads through nature reserves with rich fauna and flora and follows the asphalt cycle path along the Elbe River, which offers a breathtaking view of Old Kolín.
This 18 km long circuit starts in Kolín and runs through Písečný Mlýn, Býchory and Ovčary. The route is also suitable for families with children and offers a combination of asphalt and forest paths.
Fishing regulations for the Sandberk sandbar.
1. Permits and registration
Fishermen must have a valid fishing permit.
Before starting fishing, it is necessary to register (e.g. with the fishery manager or via the booking system, if available).
2. Daily fishing times
Spring and summer (1 April - 30 September).
Fall and winter (October 1 - March 31): Fishing is allowed from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Night fishing: Only allowed with prior permission from the fishery manager.
3. Permitted fishing techniques
Permitted methods: Float, lay, trolling.
Number of rods: Maximum 2 rods per person.
Live baits (worms, insects), boilies, corn. The use of live baits with live fish is only allowed for predator fishing.
Illegal fishing methods, including jerk baits and multihook systems.
4. Minimum catch rates and catch limits
Common carp: Minimum length 40 cm; daily limit 2.
White Lobster: Minimum length 50 cm; daily limit 1 individual.
Pike: Minimum length 60 cm; daily limit 1 individual.
Common carp: Minimum length 45 cm; daily limit 1 individual.
Common tench: Minimum length 30 cm; daily limit 2 individuals.
5. Protection of predatory fish
Fishing for predatory fish (pike, pikeperch, catfish) is prohibited from 1 January to 15 June.
Fishermen must immediately return predatory fish to the water during this feeding period.
6. Handling of catches and maintenance of the environment
Any fish that the angler does not plan to keep must be returned to the water immediately and gently.
Anglers are required to keep their site clean. Garbage and fishing material must be removed.
When fishing is finished, the surrounding area must be checked for any fishing tackle or rubbish left behind.
7. Safety and respect for others
Anglers must not disturb other anglers or recreationalists. Fishing must be done quietly and without loud music.
All equipment and activities must be safe for both the angler and the wildlife around the sandbar.
8. Controls and penalties
Authorised representatives have the right to inspect compliance with these fishing regulations.
Violations of the fishing regulations may result in the immediate termination of fishing or the loss of the fisherman's licence.
These fishing regulations may be further modified according to specific needs and it is recommended to consult the local authorities or the fishermen's organisation.
For lovers of this sport, there is the Climbing Wall in Cologne, which provides excellent conditions for beginners and advanced climbers and preparation for rock climbing. The climbing wall is located in Cologne, which is approximately 8 km from the Sandberg.
For more information about activities in the area, I recommend contacting the local tourist information centre or visiting the Stary Kolin municipality website.
Tips for trips:
Horseback riding: right in Stary Kolin is the Stary Kolin Farmhouse, which offers a tourist riding arena with horse riding for children and adults, riding lessons and horse stabling. The farmhouse is approximately 1.5 km from the Sandberg Sand.
For more information about activities in the area, I recommend contacting the local tourist information centre or visiting the Stary Kolín website.
Na pozemku je k dispozici venkovní nerezový sud.
Návod na použití nerezového koupacího sudu:
1. Příprava sudu a ohniště:
Zkontrolujte, zda je sud naplněný vodou – měl by být naplněn tak, aby při vstupu do vody nedošlo k přetečení.
K ohřevu vody budete potřebovat připravené brikety (k dispozici 10 kg za poplatek 160 Kč).
2. Založení ohně:
Ve spodní části sudu se nachází speciální prostor na zátop (topeniště).
Umístěte brikety do topeniště. Použijte menší kousky briket a případně podpalovač, aby se oheň snadno rozhořel.
Po zapálení se ujistěte, že oheň hoří stabilně, a přidejte více briket dle potřeby.
3. Kontrola teploty vody:
Během ohřevu pravidelně kontrolujte teplotu vody. Obvykle trvá 2–3 hodiny, než se voda ohřeje na příjemnou teplotu (kolem 37–40 °C).
Nezapomeňte vodu míchat (například pomocí dřevěného vesla nebo jiného nástroje), aby se teplo rovnoměrně rozložilo.
4. Udržování teploty:
Jakmile je voda dostatečně teplá, ztlumte oheň a přidávejte brikety jen podle potřeby, aby si voda udržela požadovanou teplotu.
5. Bezpečnost a hygiena:
Dávejte pozor na teplotu vody, aby nebyla příliš horká, a vždy kontrolujte okolí sudu, zda není příliš horký pro dotek.
Po skončení používejte zbylé brikety pro pozvolné dohoření, nebo pokud sud nebudete dále používat, zcela uhaste ohniště.
Tento způsob ohřevu vám umožní si v sudu užít hřejivou koupel i v chladnějších dnech – ideální pro relaxaci a uvolnění.
Uses and activities near the property during the season
In high season, you can use or rent various equipment and activities in the vicinity of the property for a fee to enrich your stay. The following facilities are available:
Water activities.
Sports and recreational playgrounds: Rental of courts for various sports such as volleyball, beach volleyball, lazy tennis and classic tennis.
Entertainment and other sports: Billiards and petanque - perfect for fun times with family and friends.
Sports equipment hire.
These activities and equipment will allow you to fully enjoy being outdoors and have the fun and sports you want.
Inline skating:
Elbe Trail: This international cycle path runs along the Elbe River and passes near Stary Kolin. The surface of the trail is mostly asphalt, which is suitable for inline skating. However, it is important to be careful as the trail is shared with cyclists and pedestrians.
Walking with a stroller:
Elbe Trail: The same trail is also suitable for stroller walks due to its flat and firm surface. The trail offers scenic views of the river and the surrounding countryside, which makes the walk enjoyable.
Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 11:00
Can I come anytime?