Forest campsite

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6.1 €

6.1 €

4.07 €

0.81 € - link can be opened ONLY on GOOGLE ???Quiet location of deciduous forest (if there is no harvest around :) , where you can find privacy only you or you can come with your friends. Especially in spring, the birdsong will make your stay more pleasant. In the hot summer you will appreciate the partial shade and the pleasant climate. For 50Kč per night you can lay your head in our cottage. The hut is payable locally. We don't mind dogs - on the contrary. A guard is useful in such a remote location. However, you have to keep it under 100% control (there are pastures, wild animals and THOUGHTS nearby ) and of course clean up after their poop. Cycle or walk 2.5km to the train or to the Volynka river to Strunkovice nad Volyňkou. Visit Hoštice u Volyně 3km away from Slunce,seno, ... 6km to Strakonice Castle with its lookout tower, 8km to Volyn to a stylish swimming pool, 15km to the romantic ruins of Helfenburg with its lookout tower or 18km to the oldest water mill in the Czech Republic in Hoslovice. About 25km away is the area of typical South Bohemian ponds, led by Sudoměř, where Žižka fought hard, or Putim, where Svejk wandered. (cycling) By train it is from Strunkovice nad Volyňkou one stop to Hoštice, 2 to Volyn, 5 to Lčovice with the possibility of climbing the castle Věnec, 8 to Bohumilic in Bohemia on the nature trail, 11 to Lipka famous for its mushroom catches and finally 12 stop Kubova Hut' - the highest railway station in Bohemia with the possibility of climbing to the top of Boubín with a lookout tower and a forest. From more distant day trips (30-70 km) I must mention Rabí - the largest castle ruins in Bohemia, a pearl among castles - Hluboká nad Vltavou, or the UNESCO protected village Holašovice or Český Krumlov. You will cover an incredible 100 km to the "Czech Sea" or Lipno.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Dry toilet with a heart :)
na pozemku není pitná voda What to do?
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - Grey water without chemistry can be poured out only on our property and at a sufficient distance (10-15m) ABOVE the bathhouse.
Chemical toilet - Chemical toilets cannot be flushed at the campsite
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

If it is raining, or after rain, I recommend "especially for caravanists" who do not have 4x4 drive to stop after driving off the tarmac onto the forest road and walk the remaining 50m to the finish. Take a leisurely look at the turn-off to the campsite, paved with bricks and open the gate if necessary. This is because the last section of the path climbs up a gentle hill, so don't stop anywhere and risk not getting going and having to reverse the caravan to get going again. In rainy weather, it can be difficult to move around the campsite itself - you are moving through the woods after all - so only stop and start from paved areas.

Restriction of the access road

As far as passability is concerned - Avie repeatedly drove to the campsite with 4 tons of gravel. She drove and drove everywhere - if you don't have a bus instead of a car, you can drive through. Still, the campground is more SUITABLE for SMALL RVs and campers. If you are unlucky and encounter another vehicle or ground on the 700 metre driveway. Never pull off the road where you can't see, e.g. into the tall grass. You may hit a rock or stump. You will most likely meet a local citizen who knows which way and where to pass you. If you have no choice, get out and look on the side of the road.


There are several cycle paths in the area. Moreover, if you stay in the imaginary triangle Strakonice - Vimperk - Vodňany, it is a relatively quiet location, with little traffic and many side roads.

water sports

The closest two places to refresh yourself are 49.2117053N, 13.8828932E or 49.2038777N, 13.8821690E on the Volynka River. About 6 km is on the Volyňka a widely visited weir called Muteňák (between Mutenice and Strakonice) 49.2462953N, 13.9014761E . I recommend the most stylish swimming pool in Volyn ( ) or the swimming station in Strakonice

activities for kids

Swings see photo.


Hradiště between the villages of Přední Zborovice and Libětice. Touristically popular Hoštice and the Jewish cemetery near Hoštice. The forest church with the Stations of the Cross and a viewpoint near Milejovice, the Kbíl lookout tower, ...


Do NOT enter the land directly adjacent to the campground and of course do not take anything there (wood, branches, etc.) - You also wouldn't want someone walking around the campground and taking anything from you during your stay :o) In real life you will see that the boundaries are quite clear. Clean up after your dog, keep him under control at all times. Please be considerate of nesting birds, so (especially in spring) build a small fire if possible with dry wood that doesn't smell much. Please also take into account any ban on bonfires issued by the state. Basic wood for roasting a roast is usually available at the campsite, but if you intend to stay longer, bring your own wood, or we have found ordinary pressed wood sawdust briquettes (without binders) to be a good choice. I can provide them, or you can buy them at a hobby market. 1pack (10Kg) costs about 140 CZK and usually lasts for one evening. They can also be easily (for example with a knife) broken in half lengthwise, which I recommend at first. REMEMBER that you will be in the forest, so repellent or clothes with long legs and sleeves with you. Have a good stay.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
For families
Magic camping
6.9 - 7.9.2024 Tomáš říká:
Everything perfect again
30.8 - 1.9.2024 Petra říká:
One of the nicest places we had the opportunity to stay for a while. Every nook and cranny of the property reeks of the owner's loving care and we appreciate the fact that we were able to camp here. We will definitely be back next season. Thank you.
19.8 - 23.8.2024 Stanislav říká:
Excellent communication with the owner. The place is absolutely great, you can see that the owner took care. We would love to come back sometime.
29.8 - 30.8.2024 Tereza říká:
Really beautiful place. As an introvert, I appreciate that no one else is anywhere else, no noise. We saw a rabbit, heard an owl at night. Really a place where you switch off. Super facilities for a fire and roasting sausages, but also a grill for roasting other goodies. The owner has thought of the little ones - slide, swings, nicely in tune with the surroundings. More places like this. We have it a short walk away and we were definitely not the last time :).
23.8 - 25.8.2024 Blanka říká:
Amazing place. Everything beautifully clean. You can see that the owner takes care of the place.Everything is fine-tuned to the smallest detail. Comfortable. Kadibudka perfectly clean. We really recommend it and look forward to coming back sometime.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

(+ 0.81 € a night) Rules for stays with dogs

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