Meadow by the pond Rathan

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3.25 €

0.81 €

0.41 €
Fenced meadow for camping 20m from the pond. Unfortunately it cannot be reached directly by car. The pond is a breeding pond and therefore cannot be fished. You can swim in it, but on the other side of the pond there is a sandy beach with refreshments. For privacy, only one reservation is allowed, but it is possible to place more tents under one reservation.

Fires are allowed. Restrictions apply should the county or local municipal authority issue a banning ordinance due to extreme drought.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
there is no toilet on the property. Please comply with the rules!
na pozemku není pitná voda What to do?
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Chemical toilet - The nearest toilet is at the gas station about 1km from the camping site or on the other side of the pond at the refreshment "Rákosí"
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

Restriction of the access road

The access road is a dirt road along the pond. Unfortunately, it is not possible to park on it. The car can be parked on ul. Ocmanická about 300m from the campsite

water sports

20m from the property there is a pond Rathan, in which you can swim. A sandy beach is on the other side of the pond.

activities for kids

On the other side of the pond is a playground


There is a nice castle in Namesti. In the nearby village of Ocmanice there is a view of the local landscape.

Other activities

Along the river celebrations in the city there is a nice cycle path suitable for roller skating.


Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
With swimming
22.8 - 23.8.2024 Stanislava říká:
Nice location commensurate with the price, mowed area and ready fire pit. The only minus was that there was a larger road nearby that was busy all night.
3.8 - 4.8.2024 Pavel říká:
Nice place by the pond suitable for swimming. The grass was mowed and firewood was ready by the fireplace. Slightly disturbing sound of traffic - road and railway on the other side of the pond.
20.7 - 21.7.2024 Adam říká:
It was fine as always, the water was great, the meadow was blooming, the land was clean. There's nothing else to say. Thank you :)
12.7 - 14.7.2024 Michaela říká:
Super quiet place with nice surroundings. Thank you.
8.6 - 9.6.2024 Veronika říká:
Great place, I was pleasantly surprised. Swimming in the pond is a few meters from the property, with pretty good access. The only thing was that the music from the bistro by the pond was pretty loud late into the night on Saturday night, we all had trouble falling asleep, so I'll check to see if there's anything going on next time. Otherwise I have nothing to complain about.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

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