Louka under the rocks

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12.21 €

12.21 €

8.14 €

4.07 €

2.03 €
Beautiful flat, grassy meadow in a sunny and quiet location, close to Prachovské skály, 5 min walk. The meadow is fenced on one side with a wooden fence and on two sides there is a meadow and a crop. Access to the meadow by an asphalt bridge directly from the main road leading to Prachovské skály. The land has an area of 1500 meters. Various sports activities such as ball games, badminton and others are possible. There is a seating area with a fireplace for roasting sausages on the plot, the needles are on the woodpile. (free firewood, which is continuously replenished). We ask all visitors who do not have an Exclusive Reservation to park motorhomes and pitch tents at least 10 metres from the fire pit so as not to obstruct access to the fire pit which serves all visitors to the meadow, Thank you.In the surroundings- Prachovské rocks with lots of views and hiking trails (600m), Jinolice ponds (1,5km), Brada hill with Rumcajs cave (3km), Šrámkova Sobotka with Humprecht castle and swimming pool (8km) and many other beautiful places.Restaurants- Tourist cottage Prachov (1,5km), Parkhotel Skalní město (1km), Hotel pod Šikmou Věží (1km), town Jičín (4km).
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
There is enough space for 3 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Dry toilet including toilet paper on the property.
na pozemku není pitná voda What to do?
electricity - The electric pillar is located in the corner of the plot see photo, definitely need an extension cable, the price is a lump sum.
campfire ring
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

In case of rainy weather and waterlogged meadow park caravans and motorhomes in the first half of the meadow, in case of bogging down do not hesitate to contact me I will help with the release.


Cycling in the Bohemian Paradise and its surroundings.


Jinolice Ponds, Sport fishing Lemberk about 1 km.


Prachov Rocks - info LKP Prachov.

water sports

Jinolice ponds, swimming pools in Jičín, Sobotka, Ostružno- Sklář or Lomnice nad Popelkou.

activities for kids

Jinolice ponds with various activities such as boating, playground, etc.


Prachov Rocks, Bohemian Paradise.


Zebín riding hall.

Other activities

Rope park- Sklář Ostružno, Adventure golf Osek - Golf, minigolf - Bohemian Paradise - Dolní BousovRock climbing with an instructorNatural Museum of Bohemian Paradise


Camping and parking at will in front of the hedge. Do not leave any traces of your visit or your pets visit, keep an eye on your dog so that it does not bother others in the area. Be respectful of neighbours and other visitors and be considerate of other visitors who arrive after you. Please keep the peace not only at night but also during the day. Please observe the bezkempu.cz code of conduct Thank you for your visit.

Arrival from: 10:00
Departure until: 14:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the Campu.eu reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
With a view
For cyclists
For families
23.8 - 24.8.2024 Jindřich říká:
Uneven ground. Toilet could be better flatter. water is missing. Rooster hasn't shut up since three in the morning. Not enough wood. Good driveway.
23.8 - 25.8.2024 Michal říká:
Nice place, beautifully mown grass, firewood replenished, electricity on the property, to the rocks, a stone's throw away, clean kadibudka.
What more could you ask for!.Thanks.
21.8 - 22.8.2024 Miluše říká:
Super place near Prachovice. It's by the road, but we didn't mind. Electricity, fireplace and kadibudka on site, what more could you ask for. Thank you.
24.8 - 25.8.2024 Jindřich říká:
Satisfaction lacking only water
Kadibudka could be better
From 3am the cock won't shut up
10.8 - 11.8.2024 Dagmar říká:
Quiet yet easily accessible location. Possibility of last minute accommodation- we didn't find the place until after 8pm and were able to stay overnight. Everything clean, pleasant.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

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