ALTRO Mutěnice camping

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14.23 €

14.23 €

12.2 €

0 €

0 €
The land is located away from all the noise and yet still within walking distance of picturesque Mutěnice. You can visit for example our wine cellars called "Búdy", a cycle path and a large number of cycling and hiking trails that will take you through the beauty of our countryside.This is a newly emerging project for people who want to indulge in camping in the wild, in a tent, or campers with a caravan and motorhomes.Our idea was to revive the arid land on which only monoculture crops have been grown for years and breathe new life into it with the help of shade from more than a dozen mature trees such as maples, lindens, oaks, supplemented by fruit trees of classic varieties of apricots, plums, pears and cherries. All of this is abundantly planted with edible bushes of raspberries, currants, dogwoods, buckthorn, toadstools, vines and many others, supplemented with herbs that you can use in your summer drink or make tea from them :)We also thought about how to fight the drought that plagues us in South Moravia and how to naturally retain as much water as possible on the land. Drainage troughs and soakaway pits have been built all over the property to fill the retention pond in the event of heavy rain. The open areas are sown with a meadow mix which is grazed in stages by sheep. We believe that all of this together will improve much needed natural biodiversity. The design has been developed by a landscape architect with a sensitive approach to the landscape with benefits for sustainable development and compliance with the masterplan. At the moment everything is planted and there is nothing to do but wait. To give you an idea, here are the visualizations of how we imagine it will look in a few years :)year 2022 - Planting of the landyear 2023 - Facilities for guests will be available in the form of a fireplace, seating and dry wcrok 2024 - We will see:)Guests can take advantage of the 10% discount in our family bistro ALTRO PIZZA
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
There is enough space for 6 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?

Discounts when staying more days:

3 - 4 nights: 5%

5 - 9 nights: 10%

10 and more nights: 20%

toilet - dry toilet on the property
na pozemku není pitná voda What to do?
picnic table
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - It is not possible to pour grey water on the land.
Chemical toilet - It is not possible to pour a chemical toilet on the property.
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

Arrival on the asphalt road, the first turn to the right after the petrol station.


The Mutěnka cycle path was built on the former railway Kyjov - Mutěnice. It was opened in 2012. It leads mainly through the forest and also around two famous wine-growing localities.

activities for kids

Several playgrounds in Mutěnice, nature trail for children.


There are countless hiking trails in the area.

roller skating

The Mutěnka cycle path was built on the former railway Kyjov - Mutěnice. It was opened in 2012. It leads mainly through the forest and also around two famous wine-growing localities.


It is possible to book rides in the nearby riding arena.

Other activities

Arrival from: 07:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
With a view
For wine
For cyclists
4.8 - 6.8.2024 Henrieta & Pavel říká:
Beautiful place to camp, great pergola. The owner is very nice and it is a short walk to Mutěnice glass houses. We recommend
10.8 - 11.8.2024 Jan říká:
Everything's great,
8.8 - 9.8.2024 jan říká:
I advertise peace and quiet. when you arrive, the owner's party is on the property. instead of peace, someone is always crawling into your driveway. That's probably the last thing you need after 150 km on a bike. There's no water or electricity on site, the place is worthless for people on bikes. 300 metres away in the village there's a campsite where all the facilities are quiet for the same money.
Owner's reaction Zdravíme Honzo, jak píšete..150km je opravdu hodně a v uvedený den to bylo hodně i na vás. Volal jste 10min. před příjezdem bylo 19:00, že si chcete postavit bivak na kempu. Byl jste upozorněn, že na místě ještě probíhá dětská oslava, že není elektřina atd, také jste vše viděl na stránkách přes které jste udělal rezervaci. Po 10min. znova voláte že už jste na místě, ale stál jste v centru obce před pizzerií. Přijedete na místo, přijmete mou nabídku na ubytování v tepee bez dalších poplatku a ani nepoděkujete! Jste sám v tepee pro 12lidí a jste naštvaný? Domáháte se dobití databanky a chcete sprchu, i když nic z toho nebylo nikde uvedeno. V 20:30 bez rozloučení odjíždíte. Věřím Honzo, že když dáte o 100km méně, budete schopný aspoň dětem odpovědět na pozdrav a domlouvat si ubytování, které je pro vás vhodné. Mějte se krásně. Honza
26.7 - 28.7.2024 Marie říká:
For the second time in this place. Great facilities, new tee-pee, but in the end we slept in our tent. Pigs, sheep, kids cool. 🙂 Close to the super Kyjov swimming pool and Sonnentor in Čejkovice.
6.7 - 7.7.2024 Jan říká:
We had a large number of camping spots on a relatively small plot.If the weather is sunny,it is not possible to hide your tent or caravan anywhere on the property.The owner was very nice and kind.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

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