Discounts when staying more days:
3 - 4 nights: 10%
5 - 9 nights: 15%
10 and more nights: 15%
The road is ploughed and passable every morning in winter.
Around the bike path.
Rozkoš water reservoir 26km.
Hlucké skály 6Km.https.//
Ski resort 50m, sledding 60m and cross-country tracks 100m
Dobruška28km, Rychnov nad Kněžnou 25km,Poland 25km.
Rope park, bowling, horses, bicycles and scooters for rent
Around forests, meadows, hillsides, or hiking trails in Deštné.í využiti-využiti/turisticke-trasy/
The smooth road that runs through Deštná
Not far from the Old Road there are stables where you can ride a horse.
Na Deštné je spousta možností na chalupách.
At 10 pm night rest, otherwise everything is negotiable. Pet by agreement.
Electricity: payment on the spot according to consumption 9 CZK / 1kw.
The price per person includes local tax to the municipality.
Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?