Land for caravan / motorhome in Palčovka.

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Spot 1 | Spot 2 | Spot 3 | Spot 4 | Spot 5

10.57 €

11.63 €

5.29 €

5.29 €

3.17 €
The cottage and therefore the land is located in the village of Huty on the border of Orava and Liptov. You will surely find us, we are the last cottage in the village on the right side. The land for BEZKEMP is under the cottage and is marked. Accommodation is possible in a caravan or a motorhome. For our guests we have electricity, shower, toilet, barbecue, kettle for goulash, outdoor seating or seating in the barn, beach chairs, fireplace, bar (BEER, WINE, NEALKO) and of course freshly roasted coffee. At the cottage there is a playground and a trampoline. Sheep graze around the cottage (from May to October) and fish swim in our pond.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 18 minutes.
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - In the basement, 20m from the property. Flushable :-) Please just don't empty the chemical toilet from the caravans.
drinking water - In the barn there is a barrel with natural spring water in 18,9l barrels. The water from the well is in a column by the property (in winter the water is drained and you can only fill the water in the cellar).
electricity - Right next to the land in the post.
shower / washroom - In the basement, 20m from the property.
picnic table
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - The grey water can be poured in the basement into the toilet.
Chemical toilet - Unfortunately, it is not possible to use a chemical toilet in our country.
The property is accessible even in winter / in the snow season
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

The land is just off the main road. A caravan can be parked on the land, but as you go down the road there is a small break, but it's possible :-) The main road is uphill, in winter it can be a problem to drive the caravan up the hill. We need to book the site in advance to ensure snow clearance.


I recommend electric bike, hills :-)

winter sports

Janovky - 10,6 km, Spálená - 18,4 km, Oravice - 22,3 km, Vitanová - 27 km, Chopok - 49 km

water sports

Aquapark Thermal Oravice - 21.8 km, Liptovská Mara - 23 km, Aquapark Tatralandia - 27 km, Aquapark Bešeňová - 33.9 km, Thermal lake (Kalameny) - 39.1 km by car (18.5 km by bicycle), Kaďa - thermal spring in the village Liptovský Ján - 42.5 km

activities for kids

Trampoline and playground above the cottage


Kvačianska valley - 150 m, Malý Roháč viewpoint - 2,3 km, Raztocký waterfall - 4,2 km, Water mills Oblazy - 4,4 km, Prosecká valley - 5 km, Red sands waterfall (Prosecká valley) - 5,8 km, Súšava lookout tower (Velké Borové) - 6 km, Museum of the Orava village - 13,4 km, Liptovský hrad - 17,6 km, Roháče - parking lot - 18,4 km

Other activities

Motorbike trips (KTM 1290 Super Adventure R motorbikes up to 3 can be rented - min. rental fee 3 days), paragliding - launching site meadow Svorad


Only build a fire on the land above the cottage where the fireplace is located. Barbecue sticks are available.

Arrival from: 14:00
Departure until: 10:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
To the mountains
With a view
For families
19.8 - 20.8.2024 Karel říká:
Total satisfaction. I have nothing to complain about. I can only recommend.
12.8 - 14.8.2024 Tomáš říká:
Absolutely amazing place, we were with a caravan. In the morning we were woken up by the perfect tinkling of sheep around, beautiful surroundings , well equipped outdoor kitchen in the barn, bathroom super, self-service cellar, absolutely nothing we missed here !!! We slept beautifully here! Thank you very much
10.8 - 12.8.2024 Vladislav říká:
The environment is nice, the owner cares, the kitchen, shower, toilet and cellar amazing. Nice nature in the surroundings.
28.7 - 1.8.2024 Eva říká:
Absolutely perfect place, beautiful nature, peace and quiet. The facilities perfectly prepared, equipped, for us definitely above standard. And when the kind and helpful owner surprises you in the morning by asking if you need to bring some groceries, gets on his bike and brings fresh pastries, the hearts in the rating are not even enough. Thank you again so much for the beautiful summer days and we would love to come back again.
6.8 - 7.8.2024 Ondřej říká:
Beautiful place with absolutely exclusive facilities. Unfortunately, it also loses a bit of its beauty, because you probably won't be alone in the place. The owner rents out the indoor accommodation plus 3 other sites within 50m. At full occupancy the place gets really busy. In particular, do not look for privacy under the cottage. In the meadow behind the cottage you will find beautiful peace and quiet with views. Personally, I do not recommend the site below the cottage to caravans. Handling a rig almost 10m long is not quite right. Otherwise, a perfect place when you want to take a shower and get yourself together before pumping energy somewhere in the countryside again. It's not a true no-camp, though.
Owner's reaction Dobrý den,
nedělám to běžně, ale musím reagovat na negativní hodnocení hosta, protože některé informace nejsou pravdivé a jiné jsou zavádějící.
1) Všechna další stanoviště jsou více než 75 m od sebe; stanoviště 2 je více než 110 m od stanoviště 1. Není pravda, že další tři stanoviště jsou v okruhu 50 m.
2) Máme dvě obytná auta, dodávku i velký Mercedes Vario, a obě se krásně vejdou na stanoviště 1. Měli jsme také velký obytný přívěs, a i ten se vešel na stanoviště 1. Host měl půjčený přívěs, stačilo ho odpojit a umístit na stanoviště samotný přívěs, auto mohlo být vlevo od něj za smrčky. Bohužel jsem na místě nebyl, takže jsem nemohl poradit, a host se mi neozval. Určitě bych našel řešení ke spokojenosti hosta. Takto si host stěžoval až druhý den, že měl markýzu směrem ke smrčkům, takže ji nemohl rozvinout. Přitom stačilo jen přívěs odpojit a umístit ho směrem k trávníku pro kempaře, s hezkým výhledem na louku.
Z fotek je zřejmé, že stanoviště 1 je pod naší chalupou, kde může být pohyb lidí z apartmánů. Stanoviště 1 má exkluzivitu jednoho místa pro karavan. Máte v blízkosti sloupek s elektřinou, vodou, posezení, sprchu, WC a bar. Kdo upřednostňuje větší klid, zvolí stanoviště 2.
Občas se setkáváme na naší chalupě s hosty (do apartmánů), kteří k nám jedou a pak nám napíšou horší hodnocení za lokalitu, i když si ji sami vybrali. My jsme však přesvědčeni, že lokalita je právě to, co hosty k nám přivádí.
Na portálu BezKempu máme vše popsáno a na fotkách je vidět, kde se stanoviště nacházejí.
Prosím všechny naše budoucí hosty, cokoli se vám nezdá, pište nebo volejte. Rád pomůžu.
My trip
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Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

(+ 3.17 € a night) Rules for stays with dogs

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